Mel Gibson buys beef jerky at Whole Foods on Lamar in Austin
July 8, 2012 |
By Dani Dudek
mel gibson

mel gibsonMel Gibson, star of Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Kills, was snapped buying beef jerky at the downtown Whole Foods on Lamar Saturday.

Jerky, huh? Seems appropriate.

Commentary from another person who uploaded a picture to Instagram compared the sighting to a train wreck.

“Gross, yet I can’t look away,” Instagramer rabbitfoodgrocery said.

Gibson can’t seem to stay out of the tabs. It was recently reported that his 78-year-old step mother is seeking a restraining order because, she says, the actor threatened her, spit in her face and sabotaged her marriage to his father.

Machete Kills is currently filming at Austin Studios and around the ATX.

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